Mayor Of Kingstown - S03E10 - Comeuppance | Transcript - Scraps from the loft (2025)

Mayor Of Kingstown
Season 3 – Episode 10

Episode title: Comeuppance
Original release date: August 4, 2024

Plot: Mike’s plan for the warring factions in Kingstown hits turbulence.

* * *

♪ MTV ♪

[Mike] Bunny’s moving weapons. Six figures’ worth, military grade.

You want me to ambush him?

♪ Dramatic music ♪

I want you to leave this place.

I’ll buy you a life.

[women screaming]

[Iris] I’m not gonna end up one of those girls.

[Evelyn] What is it? About her?

[Mike] My mom had that same look.

How did they know their target was in the yard?

You have two weeks.

If we don’t have your resignation, we will terminate your employ.

No, I-I…

I’ve worked…

I’m sorry.

I feel…

No, no, fuck your sorry!

You need to stand down. You’re not yourself.

Shut the fuck up!

[Evelyn] I’m not dropping

the Morrissey case.

One fucking guy tried to do the right thing.

Robert killed him.

You don’t know that.

[Evelyn] It wasn’t… It was not

a home invasion.

You did good, Charlie.

What about the man

on the porch?


[Ian] Fucking came at me.



I’m sorry, Roman,

I need you alive for a while.

♪ Ominous music ♪

[Mike] Mariam came to court the day I was sentenced.

Charges were too heavy to risk trial, so I pled out.

She came that day.

And then she visited me inside just once.

She only needed one visit

because she only had one thing to say.

She told me to survive.

Mariam knew the prisons.

Knew both sides of those walls.

She knew what survival meant.

She was giving me permission to become a stranger to her.

She was saying, “Become something unrecognizable.”

I took that advice.

I didn’t know if releasing me was a mistake.

No one knew what they were releasing.

I did things inside.

Evil, by most moral standards.

By my mother’s.

But did those acts make me evil?

The day I got out, my family was there.

Mariam was there.

She held onto me like it was an act of absolution.

[gunfire continuing]

Forgiveness for the sinner.

And I thought maybe…

maybe I can shed this skin.

Maybe I can return to myself.

♪ Slow, suspenseful music ♪

♪ Atmospheric music ♪

We settle all business today, Bunny.


Deck’s stacked in our favor, but

still putting my people at risk.

I’ll let the Russians know your route.

But I’ll play dumb to the destination.

You got an idea where you want to lead him?

Yeah. Yeah, I got a spot.

It’s old ironworks downriver.

Box them motherfuckers in.

Triangulate fire and whatnot.

Well, if shit goes south,

I’ll let KPD know where to aim.

Every Russian soldier goes down.

That is the prize

for the cops, for the D.A.


I’ll handle him.

What, you getting your hands dirty, Mike?

Nothing can wash the blood off these hands, Bunny.


Where this gonna leave us, then,

when the dust settles?



That’s a lot of territory.

There’s a whole lot of ambition right there.

It’s not exactly past the horizon though, is it, Bunny?

You stay inside our borders.


When you go across the lines…

there’s monsters waiting.

Monsters bigger than you, wanting to take all you got.

You settle for Kingstown.

What about you?

I get some sort of peace.

Twisted as it is, but…


that’s where it leaves us.

♪ Slow, intriguing music ♪

[birds chirping in distance]

[sirens wail in the distance]

I mean, it was just fucking stupid.

I let my guard down.

He came at me, the one time.

Well, lucky you got your sidearm free.

I don’t even remember drawing my goddamn gun.

You know, that was just fucking instinct.

That’s all that was, I mean…

I let my guard down.

[investigator] Look, we have what we need, Detective.

Shoot doesn’t get much cleaner than this, right?

We should have you cleared by end of week.

All right, appreciate it.

[investigator] Yeah.

[Evelyn] Hey, Ian.


Give me a minute?

Yeah, Counselor,

I got a shitload of fucking paperwork.

Yeah, I know what that’s like.

[sighs] And why is it that every single time I see you

I think I need to call my union rep?


How many times did you take Charlie Reeves

on these field trips?

Uh, I just told these guys.

Like, you know, half a dozen, maybe?

Seven times.


You logged him out of Anchor Bay seven times, yeah.

Six times to search for and recover victims’ remains.

Seventh was for the dentist.

Yeah, yeah.

The dentist. Yeah, he requested me.

Doesn’t DOC have a dental plan?

[stammers] His teeth were fucked.

Yeah, I mean, he was eating rocks from the yard.

They were fucked. He requested me.

I got-I got a relationship with this fucker.

You know what happened the day you took him to the dentist?

What… N… Not a clue. What?

Morrissey was murdered.

All right, first of all, fuck you, Evelyn.

How long we known each other, this is what you think of me?

I didn’t even ask a question.

Are you really that desperate

for the office, really?

‘Cause that’s disappointing.

You throw this disrespectful dogshit at me?

You know what I do? I bring closure to these families.

That’s what I did, okay? So fuck this.

♪ Tense music ♪

[indistinct chatter]

[Stevie speaking indistinctly]

What? She’s not? Okay.

Hey, yo, Ian.


Hey, got a body down by the tracks.

Looks like a hit.

Fucking perfect.


Yeah. Keno.

You all right?


[line ringing]


Is he dead?

Well, Roman is not one for radio silence.


Maybe he ran.

From what? And to where?

I mean, you’ve been offered a golden ticket,

yet you remain.

Roman was never shackled to me.

His loyalty was fathomless.

[Iris] Here.

If he’s dead…

do we run?

Do we stay?

W-Where would I go?

I mean, you’re free.

I am shackled.

The question is not

if Roman’s dead, the question is who killed him?

Now, logic dictates that

it was revenge meted out.

You know, by the Aryans or Bunny Washington.

That-That’s logical.

What do you feel?

[scoffs] Feel?

That I don’t allow. [chuckles softly]

No, we have business to attend.

We’re gonna do our work

until all the work is done.


♪ Eerie music ♪

[train horn blowing]


Look, I got a thing I got to talk to you about, Mike.

Then talk.

Not here.

But let me ask you… you heard from Iris?

Not since yesterday.

We got to track her, Mikey.

I’m gonna cut this fucker down, but I got a feeling

this is Konstantin’s guy.


Fucking doing more and more to make a fucking statement

these days. They tortured

the fuck out of this poor bastard.

They took their sweet fucking time.

Aryan payback?

I mean, I don’t think so.

I mean, the gas mask…

that’s a gulag torture technique.

They put the mask on,

hands behind the back, they choke off the air.

The Russians.

I mean, you think

that Konstantin’s gonna be doing this to his own people?

No, the other bodies he dropped were all clean kills.


I mean, clean.

This is…

This wasn’t him.

Come on, let’s go.

♪ Atmospheric music ♪


[Mike] Konstantin.

So, your, uh, your man is dead.


Yeah, we suspected as much.

Was it the Aryans?

I don’t think so.

We share a common enemy, Mike.

A common frustration.


Someone detonated a bomb

at your mother’s funeral. Someone drove

a busload of girls in the river.

To whom do we credit these actions…

different parties or the same?

Corporeal or incorporeal?

What are you talking about?

I think it’s the same.

The same corporeal fucking being

has returned.

Konstantin, I saw Milo on that boat

when it blew up. I was there.

He was warned, he survived, and now Milo’s here.

[Mike] Okay.

Let him come.

[scoffs] We carry out our business.


Nothing changes.


Far from it.

Look, Mikey, I don’t want to fucking pile on here, but

I got… I got a problem.

Yeah? What is it… the shoot?

No, it’s clean. I.A.’s gonna clear me.

It’s fucking… Evelyn.


Look, she’s looking at the days that I…


I took that psycho Charlie

out in the field, right?

Yeah? And?

And, well,

one of those days, I took him to the dentist.

Yeah, so fucking what? And wh…

S-Spit it out.

Mikey, it was the day Morrissey was killed.

I just, I feel sick to my stomach.

Mike, I just…

It just went down wrong, Mike. It went down wrong.

Fuck. Wh… You think?

I-I was trying to fucking scare him, Mikey.

Yeah, with a fucking serial killer, Ian?

I mean… I-I mean, he fucking recanted

and then-and then he upset Charlie, and it

fucking got away from me.

Well, yeah, you don’t want

to do that… upset the fucking psychopath.

What were you thinking?

There’s no-there’s no connection, all right? To…

Charlie’s dead. He’s dead.

So why are you telling me…

‘Cause Evelyn.

‘Cause Evelyn fucking scares the shit out of me, Mike.

Yeah, okay.

I’m worried about it.

Yeah? Well, you should be.

All right, look, uh…

You’re working the case, all right?

Trying to find this fucking murder. What do you do?


Canvas. Fucking every house,

five mile radius, it’s a lot of eyes.

Who worked the case?

Keno. Keno ran point.


Was it an exhaustive investigation?

Mikey, the guy was a fucking rat.

Okay, so that’s a hard no. Ian…

I know.

Evelyn’s already

pulled the prison records here.

She’s got somebody investigating this

out in the field right now, I guarantee it.

She’s gonna look at the traffic cams. Were you in the Charger?

Uh, I obscure my plates, but yeah.

Right, this just keeps getting better.

Ian, what do you want me to do?

Just talk to her.

Just talk to her.

And tell her what?

She’s a goddamn townie, Mike.

Just tell her to please be a fucking team player.

Her cure is worse than

Look, the…

the disease.

I… L-Look, I’m sorry,

but she’s a fucking shark.

You know this.

[cell phone vibrating]

You got to help me.

You just threw blood

in the water, all right? Yeah.

Yeah, Robert.

[Robert] Mike, we got

a big fucking problem, man.

Fuck me. Come on.

Let’s go. Coming.

♪ Suspenseful music ♪

Well, now I know why the D.A.’s office is calling me in.

Well, they’re calling ’cause Morrissey

pinned you as a mass murderer.

No, they’re calling

’cause Ian fucked it.

Hey, fuck. You’d be in jail right fucking now

if it wasn’t for me. And Evelyn’s got nothing.

Not yet. If she puts you in the neighborhood…

Kyle, she’s not gonna.

[Robert] It’s not you she’s fucking after, Ian.

She wants me for the riot.

Morrissey was a fucking asshole, a traitor,

got what he deserved.

Yes, he did.

And you’re fucking welcome.

I’m not fucking going to prison for doing

my goddamn job.

[Mike] Hey, hey,

no one’s going to prison, okay?

We’re not there yet.

So, what… I got to state the obvious? Like…

Mike, you got to fucking shut her down.

We’re shutting down the Russians today.

That is the priority.

So let’s focus on that.

[Robert] Yeah.

I will focus on that.

[Mike] Great.

You focus on her

’cause she’s not gonna fucking back off

unless you back her off, so…

fucking deal with it, Mike, or I will.

You’re not gonna do a goddamn thing.

Well, then apply some fucking pressure,

or I will see done what needs doing.

Robert, Jesus Christ.

[Robert] What?

It’s fucking priorities. What the fuck’s the matter…

You’re not gonna fucking touch a hair on her fucking head.

That’s what.

Aw, shit, you’re fucking her,

aren’t you?

[Ian] Okay, all right.

[Robert] I mean, you’re fucking her, right?

Don’t go there.

That’s what’s going on.

You’re fucking her and you can’t

shut her the fuck up?

Is that what the fuck’s going on here?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Come on.

Come on.

[Robert] Handle it.

Fucking hold up.

You’re not making anything better.

She is a problem, Mike.

[Mike] Evelyn’s the least of our problems right now.

And we watch over those that can’t protect themselves.

That is what we do, okay?

That includes Evelyn.


What’d you do, Mike?

I don’t know. What the fuck did I do now?

To the guard?

Tracy told me. Come on.

What the fuck?

Did what you would’ve done, all right?

Yeah, only I didn’t get to do shit

’cause you did it.


Tracy protecting me, you protecting Tracy.

Who am I supposed to be watching out for, huh?

Your family, day and night, that’s who.

You thinking?

Doesn’t feel that way, Mike.

Well, it is that way.


You’re the only thing

good left in this town, Kyle.

Maybe we’re all just looking after that.

I don’t deserve that. I-I…

You know, I don’t want it. I don’t need it.

Well, I need it. How about that?

I’m your brother and I’m gonna look after you,

whether you like it or not.

So there.

♪ Mournful music ♪




All right.

Morning, sir.


You know that building?


Old warden’s quarters.

Last warden lived there back in the ’80s.

He was corrupt as they come.


Outsourcing prison labor

for profit,

pocketing all that money.

What happened to him?

Yeah, he got his comeuppance, as we all do.

It’s a sin,

profit off punishment.

Ain’t that what the whole system’s based on, sir?

No, son.

That’s not what it’s based on.

That’s what it’s been corrupted to.

You justify the wrong for the money

or loyalty to family.

You do for those who have done for you, sir.

You owe that loyalty.

At what cost?

You’re gonna go through your life, Kevin,

“doing for those done for you,” and then, one day,

you look around and you’re fucking alone.

And that’s when you realize

you always have been.

Bunny Washington is not your family, son.

He will use you and throw you the fuck away.

♪ Haunting music ♪

[phone vibrates]

Where you at?

It’s in motion.

All right, got it.

[phone vibrates]


[Mike] They’re on the move.

All right? Highway 44,

Sixth Street Bridge on the way out of town.

No destination?

Well, if I knew that, I’d say.

Just… follow ’em,

wait for your moment.

We’re well prepared, Mike.

[Mike] Do you have muscle with you?

Yeah, I’ve had Roman replaced. I’m safe.

I’m so touched you care.

Call me when you’re done.

♪ Percussive music ♪

[Cole] That’s a lot of muscle

for a empty shell.

[Bunny] Yeah.

Draw the wolves away from the sheep, cuz.

Make it feel real.

Draw ’em in to that kill zone,

then you massacre them motherfuckers.

This is our fucking city.

Y’all heard?

[all assenting]

[indistinct chatter]

Y’all watch each other’s backs, all right, bro?

All right?

[engines starting]

[Mike] Evelyn.

[Evelyn] Hey.

So, what do you got on Ian?

[scoffs] Well, that didn’t take long. Fuck.

Keep asking you to back off,

you keep doubling down. Fuck.

Did I ever say that I was gonna back off, Mike?

Did I ever say that?

I don’t know.

[scoffs] So…

here we are.

Yeah, here we are.

Come on.

We’re the good guys here, right?

Is that how you would describe Robert Sawyer?

Really, with a straight face?

Well, Ian’s a good friend.


We all grew up together.


That carries no weight.

Well, it fucking should, Evelyn.


There’s got to be another way.

I would chew through

a fucking brick wall to get at Robert Sawyer.

If I have to go through Ian, so be it,

because he is the greater evil.

Then Ian’s the collateral damage.

Well, you know, he is no fucking angel.

I want Sawyer, Mike.


If you can think of a different way, I’m open.

But I-I don’t see it.

Well, there’s no one evil greater than another,

not in this town.

That’s fucking bullshit.

I don’t-I don’t fucking agree with that.

I see good.

Oh, you do?

All over, yeah.


I see good standing right in front of me.

And I’m not the only one who sees it.

Come on.

I didn’t know if releasing me was a mistake.

No one knew what they were releasing.

I did things inside.

Evil, by most moral standards.

By my mother’s.

But I did what she told me to do.

I survived.

[Anna] What do you want me to say, Mike?

What do you want to hear me say?



It’s just a fucked-up day, that’s all,

you know.

Well, show me one that’s not.

[sighs] Yeah, so I did what she told me to do.

I survive, and…

when I get out, she just looks right through me.


Like I’m a fucking stranger.

No, she saw her son.

You survived, and your mom

didn’t give a fuck how you did it.

I wouldn’t have cared if it were my boy.

You made your way back to yourself.

♪ Ominous music ♪

I got no doubt your mom saw that.

I saw it when I met you.

If I can see it…

You’re looking for atonement but you’ve already atoned.

You did your time, Mike.

You did your time.

[Robert] I love my family, Kyle,

but when I’m in uniform,

these fucking animals are my family.

[pills rattle]

When I brought you in… against my better fucking judgement…

that made you family.

Yeah, I know. I get that.

If Mike can’t deal with his shit,

and if the D.A. won’t back the fuck off,

you’re gonna get asked questions.

They’re gonna ask Ian

what happened to Morrissey the day he died

and they’re gonna ask you what happened during the riot.

Yeah, and I’m gonna tell them

what I’ve always told them.


You saved our lives. That’s it.

And what if they force Ian’s hand

and he stops toeing that line?

Well, Ian’d never rat. No chance.

Hmm. Everyone says that until they’re processed.

Cop goes inside and then you segregate him.

It’s just a matter of time.

Crank changes hands,

guards look up at the sky

as they tear you up the back.

You think Ian has it in him to face that shit?

I know he does.

‘Cause Ian doesn’t give a shit.

He’d do a bid standing on his fucking head.

All right.

What about Mike, where’s he land?

He gonna choose me or the D.A.?

Get the fuck out of here, Robert.



where do you land?

I mean, you gonna choose your team over your brother?

That’s what we’re talking about.

If Evelyn keeps coming on

and Mike can’t or won’t stop it, then…

the fuck do you do?

It’s got nothing to do with me.

No, man, it’s got everything to do with you.

‘Cause we’re at that point, Kyle,

when we got to choose what fucking side you’re on.

Did you let me join SWAT

just so you could have leverage on Mike?

No. No, you’re a good cop.


♪ Tense dramatic music ♪

[locker door closes]

[Kareem] Did you like the therapist?

I’m proud of you.

You faced your fears and you opened yourself up,

and-and that’s how you…

That’s how you heal, right?


Don’t ever lose that, okay?

Let me talk to Mom.

I love you, baby.

Yeah, I’m good.

It’s a good day.

Hug Russell for me. Will you tell him…

Tell him I’m proud of him.

I love you, too.

♪ Somber music ♪

[indistinct chatter in distance]

Prisoner down.

[indistinct chatter]

[Kareem] Prisoner down in D Block.

[gate buzzes]

[latch clicks]

Request backup. Request backup.

Prisoner down, D Block.


Prisoner down.



Warden. Back the fuck up.

Back the fuck up.

[alarm blaring]

Back the fuck up!


We’re on our fucking way.

We’re on our way. Let’s go.

You, back up.

[Carney] Hey, we’re fucking coming.

Let’s go.

Back the fuck up!


[alarm continues blaring]

[Norseman] Stupid motherfucker.



[prisoners shouting]

Back up! Back up!

Back up!

[shouting continues]

Those motherfuckers.

♪ Percussive, dramatic music ♪

Has he told you the story about his mother yet?

Konstantin has a different story for every fucking flower.

Not one of them is true.

Doesn’t have to shoot you, he can talk you to death.

[gun cocking]



Now we can talk.

♪ Tense music ♪


Alex was kind enough to show me in.

What is it with these fair-weather females?


[Konstantin] It’s easier to sit than to stand,

little bird.

The bullet won’t care one way or the other.

I don’t want to be anywhere near him.

[Milo] You won’t need to, not for long.

But I need you to do something for me.

Call Mike.

Use the phone he gave you.

They’re all fair-weather, Konnie.

Did you really think she was returning to you for comfort?

She’s been in love with Mike since I sent her.

She returned to you for him.

It was my choice to come back.

[Milo] The illusion of choice

[Iris] No. It wasn’t a fucking illusion.

It’s the reality that I chose.

Your tongue’s sharpened.

That’s your influence, Konstantin.

You always liked to make friends.

We are different men, Milo.

It’s Mike’s influence.

[Milo] Ah.



Has he fucked you yet?

I have no intention

of hurting Mike.

If I wanted him dead, he would be.

So, take out the phone

and make the fucking call.

♪ Dramatic music ♪

Fuck, yo!

[vehicles honking]


[indistinct shouting]

♪ intense music ♪

[people screaming]

Get this motherfucker!

[phone vibrating]


Yeah, Iris?

[Milo] She’s a strong girl, Mike.

♪ Sinister music ♪

She refused to call, despite persuasion.

Where are you?

Near where you last saw me.

On the river, different boat.

Konstantin has always loved the water.

[line beeps]

[phone vibrating]


[Ian] Mike,

we got a battle on the Sixth Street Bridge.

There’s Crips, there’s Russians,

we got goddamn civilians up there.

Jesus Christ.

Yeah, listen, Mike,

you got any fucking way to douse this?

[sighs] I-I don’t think the genie

goes back in the bottle in this one, Ian.

Mike, what the fuck?

That’s not a fucking solution.

Milo’s back. He’s with Iris.

How the fuck is that even possible? Where?

Down by the boat.

Jesus Christ. All right, all right.

Let me fucking mobilize a unit.

Me and Stevie’ll be right there.

I’m gonna finish this.

♪ Dramatic music ♪

[Robert] We have at least a dozen armed combatants

and an unknown number of civilians,

so we might not know

which is fucking which.

Target identification is key.

Keep your heads on a swivel.

This is urban warfare, kids.


[indistinct shouting]

[gunfire continuing]

Let it fly, boy!

[indistinct shouting]


Fucking KPD coming in on both sides.

What the fuck do we do?

Kill, die or fucking dive.


♪ tense music ♪

[drink pours]

What fantasies are you concocting?

[glass sets on counter]

You’re a brutal man, Milo.

[Milo] Yeah. No less than you.

Just different in our tastes.

Your blow and your boys.


[Milo] You leech off girls

like Iris like you’d have leeched off

those girls in the river.

You’re more sin-eater than killer,

but still brutal.

Sin-eaters devour the sins of the dead, not the living.

Then you’re just a parasite.

Do you wish to share your sins, Milo?

They’re apparent.

You know,

you should have just let me go.

You shouldn’t have fled.

You could have negotiated your exit.

Paid my toll? No.

I served time for you.

No. You served time for you.

You served time because you fucked up.

Fucked up and failed.

Fucked up, failed, then surrendered,

like a fucking peasant.

You’d have done differently?

I sent you here

to oversee a cross-border pipeline,

not to play-act like some half-assed movie gangster,

knocking off armored cars.

That was something for myself.

I’m sure it was.

I still want the pipeline.

Too late.

Kill me, fine.

But they will never let you live.

The Fathers have no loyalty or love for you.

Roman confessed as much.

Roman confessed many things.

[thump in distance]

[indistinct chatter in distance]

[Milo] Hello, Mike.

Miss me?


How could I miss you, Milo, when you never left?


It’s like a dream come true.

[Milo] What’s happened… all that happened…

washed away in the river. Can we start there, Mike?

Fuck do you want, Milo?

A return to what was.

I want my town back.

But you’re a fugitive.

[Milo] I’m a dead man immune to arrest

and prosecution.

I ran Kingstown from my cell. I can run it from the grave.

Not alone.

[Milo] No.

We had a good thing, Mike.

Mitch, you and I.

You should shoot me now, Milo.

I’m gonna put a bullet in you the second I can.

Do you want to know how my parents died, Mike?

‘Cause it’s not as pretty as Konstantin’s tales.

[Mike] Say what you’d like.

You have nothing to offer me.

[Milo] There’s one thing.

There’s always one thing.

I’ll finish what Konstantin started.

I’ll set Iris free.

She’s not yours to set free, Milo.

Or I’ll kill her right here in front of you.

You have the power.

Let her go, Mike.

That’s the only good thing that comes from this.


[Iris] Hmm?

What do you want to do?

[Iris sighs]

I want to stay here with you.

That’s not an option.

You stay, you die.

You leave, you live,

but, for this, there is a toll.


Iris kills the sin-eater.

♪ Dramatic music ♪

[indistinct radio chatter]

On line.

Come out of your cars! Get out of your cars!

Get out of your cars. Go that way, that way now, now!

Okay, move behind me, quickly.

[SWAT member] This way, this way!

Out of your cars! Hands!

Go that way! That way, now, now!

Move, move, move, move.

Out of your car.

Behind me, quick, quick.

Behind me, behind me.

Come on!

Out of your car. Let’s go, man.

[shouting continues indistinctly]

Got a kid. Okay. Get him.

Let’s go.

Move, move, move! Hands! Let’s go!

Move, move, move!

Move up on line!

[Konstantin] It’s all right, Iris.


It is the only good that comes from this.


[Milo] Oh, you’re well-versed in violence now.

The work you did on Joseph?

Joseph fucking deserved to die.

I deserve to die.

Many times over. You know it.

You said as much yourself.

It’s all right.

It’s all right, Iris. I give you pardon.

♪ Tense music ♪

Mike, this is going to happen, one way or another,

so why not like this?

There’s poetry to it, Michael.

She’s not doing

your dirty work, Milo.

But when has she not?

[Mike] Not anymore.

[Milo] Okay, let’s sweeten the pot.

I have something else that you need.

[Mike] Yeah?

Or Bunny has.

Fucking Milo.

[Milo] I know where the guns are, where they’re not,

and they’re not on that fucking truck, are they?

♪ Ominous music ♪

You okay?

[woman panting]

All right, come on. Let’s go.

Hands! Shit. Fuck.

Let me see your fucking hands.


What do you got a fucking gun for?

Hey, hey, no, no, look, man, I got to

protect my family, okay?

[Kyle] The fuck?!

[man] I got a kid, man. I got to protect my family, okay?

Okay, all right. Just put the gun down

I c…


[indistinct shouting]

Come on!

[grunting, screaming]

He’s fucking hit!


Pull him back!

Come on!

That’s it, that’s it!

[indistinct shouting]

[indistinct shouting in distance]

[rapid gunfire]

[Donnell] The fuck?!

Fuck. My hands are up.

My hands are up. They’re up!

[Robert] Now get on the ground!

Get on the fucking ground.

[mutters] Don’t shoot.

Get on the ground!

My hands up. My hands is up!

Get on the ground right now!

My hands are up.



Robert, fuck!

[boy crying]

Drop your fucking gun.

It’s okay.

Hey, drop your fucking gun.

Robert, no!

Drop your fucking weapon!

I said drop your fucking weapon!

No, they’re innocent!

I got a kid. I got a kid.

I said drop

your fucking gun!

I got a kid.



♪ suspenseful music ♪

[Milo] I’ll broker the gun sale for Bunny.

I can give you your cut just like the old days,

like with Mitch.

I’ll allow Bunny his turf, and we resume the balance lost.

Let bygones be.

But first…


Get the gun, Iris.

I won’t fucking do it.

[Iris] Fuck you.

Get the fucking gun, Iris.


Get the fucking gun

before he kills all three of us.


Do it.


Do it now.

Do it. Do it.

Do it now!


Hannah, pull the fucking trigger!

[dry firing]

You only needed one bullet.

All right.

Let her go.

No double-crosses.

Alex is upstairs. She has an envelope with your new life.

Passport, license.

Bus ticket, destination yours to choose.

What Konstantin promised, I provide.


It’s time to go.


I don’t want to go.

[Mike] You had it good here.

But I’m not the reason to stay any longer.



So you’re gonna leave…

and you’re never gonna look back.

I need you to promise me.


I promise.

You never…

want to see me again.

Say it.


Say it.

I never want to see you again.

There’s nothing good in this town, Iris.

There’s nothing good in me.

Do you hear me?


[indistinct shouting]


[Ian] Mikey?





I got a unit on the way.

Just send ’em away.

You’re gonna have to take her to the bus station.

You okay? Come on.

Come on.


Fucking bygones.

You can’t make business personal, Mike.

You know not to do that.

You’re not your brother.


We’re the same

that way.

You bombed that cemetery.

I needed an accelerant.

Put those little girls in the river, Milo.

What bothers you more, Mike?

Their gender or their age?

There’s a point…

of no return, and I think we crossed it.

Have we?

Oh, we did.

Don’t be so dramatic.

Nothing fazes you.

You’ve sinned,

seen sins done,

brushed them off your shoulder like dust.

I know what you’re capable of

because I’m capable of the same.

I know what you will swallow

because I swallow the same poison

every day and live.

We’re the same fucking creature, Mike.

And your mother’s not dead because of me. She’s dead…


Oh, fuck!


Fuck, you fuck. [groans]

You were saying something about my mother?

[groans softly]

What was that?


She’s dead because of you.

You killed…


[Milo thuds onto floor]


♪ somber, tense music ♪


[engine idling]

[brakes hiss]

[indistinct, quiet chatter]

[siren warbles]

What happened?

Crossfire. He shot… he shot Robert.

What? He what?

Kyle shot Robert.

He’s all right. He took it in the vest.

Caught one in the neck. He’s stable, all right?

It was… it was an accident, though, right?

Yeah… you got to keep your head down, Mikey.

They got witnesses saying otherwise,

saying “attempted murder.” It’s a fucking clusterfuck, Mike.

SWAT guys, civilians in their cars,

fuckers with cameras filming everything…

Fuck them.

I hear you.

Okay, wait. I need Evelyn.

Have you seen…? Where’s Evelyn?

Evelyn? Evelyn?

[Evelyn sighs]

You got to cut him loose, Evelyn.

Mike, I can’t.

Look, I mean, he’s a cop.

Who shot another cop, Mike.

Yeah, it’s an accident, not a crime.

I don’t know that.

I do. It’s my brother, Evelyn.

[Evelyn sighs]

It’s my brother.

I warned you, Mike.

You what?

I fucking warned you.

No one’s immune.

Kyle’s under arrest, I’m charging him.

[indistinct radio transmission]

You can’t hold him.

I have no choice, Mike.


I have no fucking choice. I’m sorry.


Why bother? She can’t fucking hold him.

No. Just keep your head down.

You got to be calm. Don’t throw fucking gasoline on the fire.

Yeah. Yeah.

All right?

[sirens wailing]

[Mike] They put my belongings in front of me.

Paper bag on a steel counter.

I pulled on my street clothes,

dried blood on my shirt,

pocket change and a pocket knife.

[sighs deeply]

The sun hits different when you’re outside the walls.

I walked into that light.

I saw Kyle.

Barely recognized him.

Then Mitch, then Mariam.

I wanted out of there.

But I let them hug me.

Even though I could feel the prison,

like a breathing thing…

pulling at me.

[driver] You got 15 minutes.

We don’t stop for four hours.

♪ Slow, dramatic music ♪

[engine idling]

[Mike] I wasn’t who I was when I went in.

I shed my old skin to survive.

I didn’t know if releasing me was a mistake.

No one knew what they were releasing.

I’d done evil by most moral standards, by my mother’s.

But did that make me evil?

Could I shed that skin, too… and return to myself?

♪ Exciting music ♪

Mayor Of Kingstown - S03E10 - Comeuppance | Transcript - Scraps from the loft (2025)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.